Themes & Songs

  • State President’s Theme – “How Do You Keep the Music Playing?”

VFMC Officers

  • President – Dr. Cheryl Davis
  • First Vice President – Kathryn Peters
  • Second Vice President – Judy Barger Edgell
  • Third Vice President – Lisa Thomas
  • Treasurer – Lana Bailey
  • Assistant Treasurer – Dr. Zuill Bailey
  • Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Kennedy
  • Corresponding Secretary – Elin Havrilla

VFMC Appointed Officers

  • Chaplain – Kathryn Peters
  • Historian – Kathryn Peters
  • Finance Chair – Wendell Anderson
  • Past Presidents Assembly – Dr. Elaine Brady

VFMC Members Serving NFMC

  • NFMC Past National President (2007-2011) – Lana Bailey
  • NFMC Past National President (2012-2019) – Michael Edwards
  • Virginia Representative, NFMC Board of Directors (Elected) – Cynthia Elmore 
  • NFMC Member at Large (Elected) – Dr. Zuill Bailey NFMC Member at Large (Elected) – Wendell Anderson